Dear Bruce,

> > > > (1) Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 17:36:55 +0200 (CEST)
> > > >     Subject: [PATCHES] aclitem accessor functions
> > > Would you repost and we can review it again.

> > > > (2) Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 19:35:57 +0200 (CEST)
> > > >     Subject: [PATCHES] 'information_schema' considered a system schema
> > > I don't remember that one at all.  Would you repost?

Well, I did that but nothing has appeared on the list yet:-(
I bounced them *again* but directly to you.

> I seem to be losing a lot of your patches, so I must be doing something
> wrong.

It seems I don't know how to post them maybe.

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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