Dear Peter,

> > This is to take into account Tom's view that distributions are often split
> > with a separate "dev" package for developpements. For instance under
> > Debian there are: postgresql, postgresql-client, postgresql-dev,
> > postgresql-doc... So this target would help checking what files belong to
> > what part of such split installation for the package maintainer.
> No, the way this works is that the package building script installs
> everything in one tree and then has file lists (with wildcards) that
> determine which files belong in which package.


Thus it suggests that the only use for the two targets is whether someone
is interested in having a smaller footprint version...

The other reason why I sticked to it in the submission is to be upward
compatible with the previous state with 2 differents targets. I feel it is
a "political" decision to shift to a single target install, and I'm not
the one to take such a decision... I'm only really interested in having
server headers and pgxs stuff installed by default, so that extensions can
be reliably added on a default installation.

So, the question remains the same: is there a consensus to drop
install-all-headers/light-install targets for a simple and full "install"?

If so, I'll make a new submission.

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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