On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 09:50:26PM +0900, Takayuki Tsunakawa wrote:
> Hello,
> Could anyone tell me how to use 2GB of shared buffers on Windows?  I'm
> sorry for attaching large text files and for sending this mail to this
> ML.
> When I try to start PostgreSQL 8.2.1 on Windows 2003 Server with
> shared_buffers=1024MB, I get the following error messages in the Event
> Log (with log_min_messages=debug5) and can't start PostgreSQL:

Is this for testing, or for production? From what I've heard, you would
normally never want that much shared memory - I've seen more reports on
taht you shuld keep it as low as possible, really. For performance

> --------------------------------------------------
> Symbols loaded: 10000000 : 10107000  libeay32.dll
> Symbols loaded: 1c000000 : 1c006000  comerr32.dll
> Symbols loaded: 5ba20000 : 5ba77000  hnetcfg.dll
> Symbols loaded: 61770000 : 61779000  LPK.DLL
> --------------------------------------------------
> These modules appear to be criminals.  They are spliting the address
> space of postgres and preventing postgres from allocating a large
> shared memory.  They seem to be the open source libraries (but what is
> hnetcfg.dll?)

hnetcfg.dll is a part of Windows. "Home Networking Configuration
Manager". LPK.DLL is also a part of Windows - it's the language pack.


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