Jeremy Drake wrote:

> The functions added are:
> * regexp_split(str text, pattern text) RETURNS SETOF text
>   regexp_split(str text, pattern text, flags text) RETURNS SETOF text
>    returns each section of the string delimited by the pattern.
> * regexp_matches(str text, pattern text) RETURNS text[]
>    returns all capture groups when matching pattern against string in an
>    array
> * regexp_matches(str text, pattern text, flags text) RETURNS SETOF
>     (prematch text, fullmatch text, matches text[], postmatch text)
>    returns all capture groups when matching pattern against string in an
>    array.  also returns the entire match in fullmatch.  if the 'g' option
>    is given, returns all matches in the string.  if the 'r' option is
>    given, also return the text before and after the match in prematch and
>    postmatch respectively.

I think the position the match is in could be important.  I'm wondering
if you could define them like

create type re_match(match text, position int)
regexp_split(str text, pattern text) returns setof re_match

or maybe
regexp_split(str text, pattern text, OUT match text, OUT position int);
(not sure of the exact syntax for this one)

so that you would have the position for each match, automatically.  Is
this information available in the regex code?

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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