On Thursday 20 November 2003 20:29, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On Thursday 20 November 2003 20:00, Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
> > Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> > > I will submit a patch that would account deletes in analyze threshold.
> > > Since you want to delay the analyze, I would calculate analyze count as
> >
> > deletes are already accounted for in the analyze threshold.
> Yes. My bad. Deletes are not accounted in initializing analyze count but
> later they are used.
> > > I am still wary of inverting vacuum analyze frequency. You think it is
> > > better to set inverted default rather than documenting it?
> >
> > I think inverting the vacuum and analyze frequency is wrong.
> Me. Too. ATM all I can think of this patch attached. Josh, is it sufficient
> for you?..:-)

use this one. A warning added for too aggressive vacuumming. If it is OK by 
everybody, we can send it to patches list.

*** README.pg_autovacuum.orig	Thu Nov 20 19:58:29 2003
--- README.pg_autovacuum	Thu Nov 20 20:35:34 2003
*** 141,163 ****
  depending on the mixture of table activity (insert, update, or
! - If the number of (inserts + updates + deletes) > AnalyzeThreshold, then
    only an analyze is performed.
! - If the number of (deletes + updates) > VacuumThreshold, then a
    vacuum analyze is performed.
  VacuumThreshold is equal to:
!     vacuum_base_value + (vacuum_scaling_factor * "number of tuples in the table")
  AnalyzeThreshold is equal to:
!     analyze_base_value + (analyze_scaling_factor * "number of tuples in the table")
  The AnalyzeThreshold defaults to half of the VacuumThreshold since it
  represents a much less expensive operation (approx 5%-10% of vacuum),
  and running ANALYZE more often should not substantially degrade system
--- 141,191 ----
  depending on the mixture of table activity (insert, update, or
! - If the number of (inserts + updates + deletes) >= AnalyzeThreshold, then
    only an analyze is performed.
! - If the number of (deletes + updates) >= VacuumThreshold, then a
    vacuum analyze is performed.
  VacuumThreshold is equal to:
!     vacuum_base_value + (vacuum_scaling_factor * "number of tuples in the 
! table")
  AnalyzeThreshold is equal to:
!     analyze_base_value + (analyze_scaling_factor * "number of tuples in the 
! table")
  The AnalyzeThreshold defaults to half of the VacuumThreshold since it
  represents a much less expensive operation (approx 5%-10% of vacuum),
  and running ANALYZE more often should not substantially degrade system
+ Examples:
+ Following table shows typical usage of pg_autovacuum settings.
+ These are put here so that a DBA can have some starting point while
+ tuning pg_autovacuum.
+ Vacuum is triggered by updates and deletes. So in case of vacuum,
+ last column indicates total of updates and deletes required
+ to trigger vacuum. In case of analyze, the operations would count total
+ number of inserts, updates and deletes.
+ Base		Scaling factor	Records		No. of Operations
+ 1,000		1		10,000		11,000
+ 1,000		2		10,000		21,000
+ 1,000		0.5		10,000		 6,000
+ 1,000		0.1		10,000		 2,000
+ Although analyze is cheaper operation compared to vacuum,
+ it might be needed less often. The default is to analyze twice as much as
+ vacuum but that might be too aggressive for some installations. It is advised 
+ thatsuch installation tune their analyze threshold separately, rather than 
+ relying upon the default behaviour.
+ Furthermore, for aggressive vacuum/analyze behaviour, it is recommended that
+ scaling factor is set to less than 1. However too aggresive operation can affect
+ performance of normal database operations adversely. Do not apply such setting
+ to production databases without prior testing.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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