On Dec 4, 2003, at 10:11 AM, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

On Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 09:57:38AM -0800, Dror Matalon wrote:

I've seen this comment several times from different people. Would someone care to explain how you would get data corruption? I thought that the whole idea of the log is to provide a journal similar to what you get in a journaling file system.

So what am I missing in this picture?

That a journalling file system can _also_ have file corruption if you have write caching enabled and no battery back up. If the drive tells the OS, "Yep! It's all on the disk!" bit it is _not_ actually scribed in the little bitty magnetic patterns -- and at that very moment, the power goes away -- the data that was reported to have been on the disk, but which was actually _not_ on the disk, is no longer anywhere. (Well, except in the past. But time travel was disabled some versions ago. ;-)

It's not just a theoretical problem. It's happened to me on a laptop drive in the last week or so.

I was testing out dbmail by hammering on it on Panther laptop, hfs+ journaling enabled, psql 7.4, latest and greatest. I managed to hang the system hard, requiring a reboot. Psql wouldn't start after the crash, complaining of a damaged relation and helpfully telling me that 'you may need to restore from backup'.

No big deal on the data loss, since it was a test/hammering installation. It would have been nice to be able to drop that relation or prune the entire database, but I'm sure that would ultimately run into referential integrity problems.


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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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