
just want to share with all of you a wierd thing that i found when i tested it.

i was doing a query that will call a function long2ip to convert bigint to ips.

so the query looks something like this.

select id, long2ip(srcip), long2ip(dstip) from sometable
where timestamp between timestamp '01-10-2005' and timestamp '01-10-2005 23:59' order by id limit 30;

for your info, there are about 300k rows for that timeframe.

it cost me about 57+ secs to get the list.

which is about the same if i query
select id, long2ip(srcip), long2ip(dstip) from sometable
where timestamp between timestamp '01-10-2005' and timestamp '01-10-2005 23:59'

it will cost me about 57+ secs also.

Now if i did this
select id,long2ip(srcip), long2ip(dstip) from (
* from sometable
where timestamp between timestamp '01-10-2005' and timestamp '01-10-2005 23:59' order by id limit 30) as t;

it will cost me about 3+ secs

Anyone knows why this is the case?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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