
Thanks for your analysis. But I dont get any better after bumping STATISTICS target from 10 to 200.
explain analyze shows that the optimizer is still way off estimating the rows. Is this normal? It still produces a 1 GB temp file.
I simplified the query a bit, now only two tables are involved (bi, df). I also vacuumed.

alter table bi alter rc set statistics 200; alter table bi alter hide set statistics 200; alter table bi alter co set statistics 200; alter table bi alter en set statistics 200; analyze bi;

alter table df alter en set statistics 200;
alter table df alter val_2 set statistics 200;
analyze df;

SELECT DISTINCT ON (df.val_9, df.created, df.flatid) df.docindex, df.flatobj, bi.oid, bi.en
FROM bi,df
WHERE bi.rc=130170467
AND bi.en=df.en
AND bi.hide=FALSE
AND (df.val_2='DG' OR df.val_2='SK')
AND df.docstart=1
ORDER BY df.val_9 ASC, df.created DESC

Limit (cost=82470.09..82480.09 rows=1000 width=646) (actual time=71768.685..72084.622 rows=1000 loops=1)
-> Unique (cost=82470.09..82643.71 rows=17362 width=646) (actual time=71768.679..72079.987 rows=1000 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=82470.09..82513.50 rows=17362 width=646) (actual time=71768.668..71905.138 rows=22439 loops=1)
Sort Key: df.val_9, df.created, df.flatid
-> Merge Join (cost=80422.51..81247.49 rows=17362 width=646) (actual time=7657.872..18486.551 rows=703677 loops=1)
Merge Cond: ("outer".en = "inner".en)
-> Sort (cost=55086.74..55340.18 rows=101378 width=8) (actual time=5606.137..6672.630 rows=471871 loops=1)
Sort Key: bi.en
-> Seq Scan on bi (cost=0.00..46657.47 rows=101378 width=8) (actual time=0.178..3715.109 rows=472320 loops=1)
Filter: ((rc = 130170467::oid) AND (co = 117305223::oid) AND (hide = false))
-> Sort (cost=25335.77..25408.23 rows=28982 width=642) (actual time=2048.039..3677.140 rows=706482 loops=1)
Sort Key: df.en
-> Seq Scan on df (cost=0.00..23187.79 rows=28982 width=642) (actual time=0.112..1546.580 rows=71978 loops=1)
Filter: (((val_2 = 'DG'::text) OR (val_2 = 'SK'::text)) AND (docstart = 1))

explain analyze select * from bi where rc=130170467;
Seq Scan on bi (cost=0.00..41078.76 rows=190960 width=53) (actual time=0.157..3066.028 rows=513724 loops=1)
Filter: (rc = 130170467::oid)
Total runtime: 4208.663 ms
(3 rows)

explain analyze select * from bi where co=117305223;
Seq Scan on bi (cost=0.00..41078.76 rows=603988 width=53) (actual time=0.021..3692.238 rows=945487 loops=1)
Filter: (co = 117305223::oid)
Total runtime: 5786.268 ms
(3 rows)

Greg Stark wrote:

Dirk Lutzebaeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Below is the query and results for EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE. All
tables have been analyzed before.

Really? A lot of the estimates are very far off. If you really just analyzed these tables immediately prior to the query then perhaps you should try raising the statistics target on spec and co. Or is the problem that there's a correlation between those two columns?

-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..8346.73 rows=3 width=1361) (actual time=34.104..18016.005 rows=703677 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..5757.17 rows=17 width=51) (actual time=0.467..3216.342 rows=48563 loops=1)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..5606.39 rows=30 width=42) (actual time=0.381..1677.014 rows=48563 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using es_sc_index on es (cost=0.00..847.71 rows=301 width=8) (actual time=0.184..46.519 rows=5863 loops=1)
Index Cond: ((spec = 122293729) AND (co = 117305223::oid))

The root of your problem,. The optimizer is off by a factor of 20. It thinks these two columns are much more selective than they are.

-> Index Scan using bi_env_index on bi (cost=0.00..15.80 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=0.052..0.218 rows=8 loops=5863)
Index Cond: ("outer".en = bi.en)
Filter: ((rc = 130170467::oid) AND (co = 117305223::oid) AND (hide = false))

It also thinks these three columns are much more selective than they are.

How accurate are its estimates if you just do these?

explain analyze select * from es where spec = 122293729
explain analyze select * from es where co = 117305223::oid
explain analyze select * from bi where rc = 130170467::oid
explain analyze select * from bi where co = 117305223
explain analyze select * from bi where hide = false

If they're individually accurate then you've run into the familiar problem of
needing cross-column statistics. If they're individually inaccurate then you
should try raising the targets on those columns with:

ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] name [ * ]
   ALTER [ COLUMN ] column SET STATISTICS integer

and reanalyzing.

Dirk Lutzebaeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Can some please explain why the temp file is so huge? I understand
there are a lot of rows.

Well that I can't explain. 22k rows of width 1361 doesn't sound so big to me either. The temporary table does need to store three copies of the records at a given time, but still it sounds like an awful lot.

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