--As Chris pointed out, how real-world is this test?
His point is valid. The database we're planning will
have a lot of rows and require a lot of summarization
(hence my attempt at a "test"), but we shouldn't be
pulling a million rows at a time.

If you want to do lots of aggregate analysis, I suggest you create a sepearate summary table, and create triggers on the main table to maintain your summaries in the other table...

--MSSQL's ability to hit the index only and not having
to go to the table itself results in a _big_
performance/efficiency gain. If someone who's in
development wants to pass this along, it would be a
nice addition to PostgreSQL sometime in the future.
I'd suspect that as well as making one query faster,
it would make everything else faster/more scalable as
the server load is so much less.

This is well-known and many databases do it. However, due to MVCC considerations in PostgreSQL, it's not feasible for us to implement it...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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