On Jun 22, 2005, at 5:39 PM, Tobias Brox wrote:

(btw, does postgresql really handles timezones? '+02' is quite different
from 'CET', which will be obvious sometime in the late autoumn...)

Yes, it does. It doesn't (currently) record the time zone name, but rather only the offset from UTC. If a time zone name (rather than UTC offset) is given, it is converted to the UTC offset *at that timestamptz* when it is stored. For time zones that take into account DST, their UTC offset changes during the year, and PostgreSQL records the equivalent UTC offset for the appropriate timestamptz values.

There has been discussion in the past on storing the time zone name with the timestamptz as well, though no one has implemented this yet.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com

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