On 7/18/05, Vivek Khera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 17, 2005, at 1:08 PM, Christopher Petrilli wrote:
> > Normally, checkpoint_segments can help absorb some of that, but my
> > experience is that if I crank the number up, it simply delays the
> > impact, and when it occurs, it takes a VERY long time (minutes) to
> > clear.
> There comes a point where your only recourse is to throw hardware at
> the problem.  I would suspect that getting faster disks and splitting
> the checkpoint log to its own RAID partition would help you here.
> Adding more RAM while you're at it always does wonders for me :-)

My concern is less with absolute performance, than with the nosedive
it goes into.  I published some of my earlier findings and comparisons
on my blog, but there's a graph here:


Notice the VERY steep drop off.  I'm still trying to get rid of it,
but honestly, am not smart enough to know where it's originating.  I
have no desire to ever use MySQL, but it is a reference point, and
since I don't particularly need transactional integrity, a valid

| Christopher Petrilli

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