Jeremiah Jahn wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 21:21 -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
>>Jeremiah Jahn wrote:
>>>I just put together a system with 6GB of ram on a 14 disk raid 10 array.
>>>When I run my usual big painful queries, I get very little to know
>>>memory usage. My production box (raid 5 4GB ram) hovers at 3.9GB used
>>>most of the time. the new devel box sits at around 250MB.
>>>I've switched to an 8.0 system on the new devel box, but the .conf
>>>really didn't change. Index usage is the same. Something seems wrong and
>>>I'm not sure why.
>>How big is your actual database on disk? And how much of it is actually
>>touched by your queries?
>The DB is about 60GB. About 10GB is actually used in real queries,
>versus get me this single record with this ID. I have a large query that
>finds court cases based on certain criteria that is name based. I get a
>full seq scan on the name table in about 7 seconds, This table has about
>6 million names (most being 'smith, something'). The index scan takes
>much less time of course, once it's been cached (somewhere but not
>apparently memory). The really query can take 60 seconds on a first run.
>And 1.3 seconds on a second run. I'm very happy with the cached results,
>just not really sure where that caching is happening since it doesn't
>show up as memory usage. I do know that the caching that happens seems
>to be independent of the DB. I can restart the DB and my speeds are
>still the same as the cached second query. Is there some way to
>pre-cache some of the tables/files on the file system? If I switch my
>query to search for 'jones%' instead of 'smith%', I take a hit. But if I
>then rerun the smith search, I still get cached speed. I only have two
>tables essentially names and events that have to do any real work ie.
>not very atomic data. I'd love to be able to force these two tables into
>a cache somewhere. This is a linux system (RHEL ES4) by the way. 
I think what is happening is that *some* of the index pages are being
cached, just not all of them. Most indexes (if you didn't specify
anything special) are btree, so that you load the root page, and then
determine what pages need to be loaded from there. So the "jones%" pages
aren't anywhere near the "smith%" pages. And don't need to be loaded if
you aren't accessing them.

So the required memory usage might be smaller than you think. At least
until all of the index pages have been accessed.

The reason it is DB independent is because the OS is caching a file
access (you read a file, it keeps the old pages in RAM in case you ask
for it again).

Part of the trick, is that as you use the database, it will cache what
has been used. So you may not need to do anything. It should sort itself
out with time.
However, if you have to have cached performance as soon as your machine
reboots, you could figure out what files on disk represent your indexes
and tables, and then just "cat $files >/dev/null"
That should cause a read on those files, which should pull them into the
memory cache. *However* this will fail if the size of those files is
greater than available memory, so you may want to be a little bit stingy
about what you preload.
Alternatively, you could just write an SQL script which runs a bunch of
indexed queries to make sure all the pages get loaded.

Something like:
  SELECT name FROM users WHERE name=curname;

That should make the database go through the entire table, and load the
index for every user. This is overkill, and will probably take a long
time to execute. But you could do it if you wanted.

>>It seems that your tough queries might only be exercising a portion of
>>the database. If you really want to make memory usage increase try
>>something like:
>>find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 cat >/dev/null
>>Which should read all the files. After doing that, does the memory usage
>>>any thoughts,
>>>shared_buffers = 32768          # min 16, at least max_connections*2, 8KB 
>>>work_mem = 2097151              # min 64, size in KB
>>This seems awfully high. 2GB Per sort? This might actually be flushing
>>some of your ram, since it would get allocated and filled, and then
>>freed when finished. Remember, depending on what you are doing, this
>>amount can get allocated more than once per query.
>What's a good way to determine the optimal size?

Practice. :) A few questions I guess...
How many concurrent connections are you expecting? How many joins does a
standard query have? How big are the joins?

In general, I would tend to make this a smaller number, so that the os
has more room to cache tables, rather than having big buffers for joins.
If someone is requesting a join that requires a lot of rows, I would
rather *that* query be slower, than impacting everyone else.
I would put it more with a maximum in the 20-100MB range.


>>>maintenance_work_mem = 819200   # min 1024, size in KB
>>>max_fsm_pages = 80000           # min max_fsm_relations*16, 6 bytes each
>>>checkpoint_segments = 30        # in logfile segments, min 1, 16MB each
>>>effective_cache_size = 3600000   <-----this is a little out of control, but 
>>>would it have any real effect?
>>It should just tell the planner that it is more likely to have buffers
>>in cache, so index scans are slightly cheaper than they would otherwise be.
>>>random_page_cost = 2            # units are one sequential page fetch cost
>>>log_min_duration_statement = 10000 # -1 is disabled, in milliseconds.
>>>lc_messages = 'C'               # locale for system error message strings
>>>lc_monetary = 'C'               # locale for monetary formatting
>>>lc_numeric = 'C'                # locale for number formatting
>>>lc_time = 'C'                   # locale for time formatting

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