Bob Ippolito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If you don't want to optimize the whole application, I'd at least  
> just push the DB operations down to a very small number of  
> connections (*one* might even be optimal!), waiting on some kind of  
> thread-safe queue for updates from the rest of the system.

While I agree that hundreds of threads seems like overkill, I think the
above advice might be going too far in the other direction.  The problem
with single-threaded operation is that any delay affects the whole
system --- eg, if you're blocked waiting for disk I/O, the CPU doesn't
get anything done either.  You want enough DB connections doing things
in parallel to make sure that there's always something else useful to do
for each major component.  This is particularly important for Postgres,
which doesn't do any internal query parallelization (not that it would
help much anyway for the sorts of trivial queries you are worried about).
If you have, say, a 4-way CPU you want at least 4 active connections to
make good use of the CPUs.

I'd suggest trying to build the system so that it uses a dozen or two
active database connections.  If that doesn't match up to the number of
polling activities you want to have in flight at any instant, then you
can do something like what Bob suggested on the client side to bridge
the gap.

As far as the question "can PG do 1-2k xact/sec", the answer is "yes
if you throw enough hardware at it".  Spending enough money on the
disk subsystem is the key ...

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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