It's more understandable if the table names are in front of the column names :

SELECT relationship.topic_id1, relationship.topic_id2, topic.topic_name, topic.categ_id, topic.list_name, topic.title, topic.url, topic.page_type, relationship.rel_type, entry_type.inverse_id, relationship.description AS rel_descrip,
relationship.created, relationship.updated
FROM relationship, topic, entry_type
((relationship.topic_id1 = topic.topic_id AND relationship.topic_id2 = 1252) OR (relationship.topic_id2 = topic.topic_id and relationship.topic_id1 = 1252))
        AND     relationship.rel_type = entry_type.type_id
        AND     entry_type.class_id = 2
        ORDER BY rel_type, list_name;

I see a few problems in your schema.
- topic_id1 and topic_id2 play the same role, there is no constraint to determine which is which, hence it is possible to define the same relation twice.
- as you search on two columns with OR, you need UNION to use indexes.
- lack of indexes
- I don't understand why the planner doesn't pick up hash joins...
- if you use a version before 8, type mismatch will prevent use of the indexes.

I'd suggest rewriting the query like this :
SELECT topic.*, foo.* FROM
(SELECT topic_id2 as fetch_id, topic_id1, topic_id2, rel_type, description as rel_descrip, created, updated
        FROM relationship
                rel_type IN (SELECT type_id FROM entry_type WHERE class_id = 2)
        AND     topic_id1 = 1252
SELECT topic_id1 as fetch_id, topic_id1, topic_id2, rel_type, description as rel_descrip, created, updated
        FROM relationship
                rel_type IN (SELECT type_id FROM entry_type WHERE class_id = 2)
        AND     topic_id2 = 1252)
AS foo
WHERE topic.topic_id = foo.fetch_id

entry_type( class_id )

relationship( topic_id1, rel_type, topic_id2 ) which becomes your new PRIMARY KEY
relationship( topic_id2, rel_type, topic_id1 )

Of course, this doesn't explain how MySQL manages to execute the query in about 9 msec. The only minor differences in the schema are: entry_type.title and rel_title are char(32) in MySQL, entry_type.class_id is a tinyint, and topic.categ_id, page_type and dark_ind are also tinyints. MySQL also doesn't have the REFERENCES.

Can you post the result from MySQL EXPLAIN ?

You might be interested in the following code. Just replace mysql_ by pg_, it's quite useful.

$global_queries_log = array();

function _getmicrotime() { list($u,$s) = explode(' ',microtime()); return $u+$s; }

/*      Formats query, with given arguments, escaping all strings as needed.
        db_quote_query( 'UPDATE junk SET a=%s WHERE b=%s', array( 1,"po'po" ) )
        =>   UPDATE junk SET a='1 WHERE b='po\'po'
function db_quote_query( $sql, $params=false )
        // if no params, send query raw
        if( !$params )
                return $sql;

        // quote params
        foreach( $params as $key => $val )
                if( is_array( $val ))
                        $val = implode( ',', $val );
                $params[$key] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string( $val )."'";
        return vsprintf( $sql, $params );

/*      Formats query, with given arguments, escaping all strings as needed.
        Runs query, logging its execution time.
        Returns the query, or dies with error.
function db_query( $sql, $params=false )
        // it's already a query
        if( is_resource( $sql ))
                return $sql;

        $sql = db_quote_query( $sql, $params );

        $t = _getmicrotime();
        $r = mysql_query( $sql );
        if( !$r )
echo "<div class=bigerror><b>Erreur MySQL :</b><br>".mysql_error()."<br><br><b>Requ􏻪te</b> :<br>".$sql."<br><br><b>Traceback </b>:<pre>";
                foreach( debug_backtrace() as $t ) xdump( $t );
                echo "</pre></div>";
        global $global_queries_log;
        $global_queries_log[] = array( _getmicrotime()-$t, $sql );
        return $r;

At the end of your page, display the contents of $global_queries_log.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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