On 7/25/07, Karl Denninger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Yeah, the problem doesn't appear to be there.  As I said, if I look at the
PS of the system when its bogging, there aren't a whole bunch of processes
stuck doing these, so while this does take a second or two to come back,
that's not that bad.

 Its GENERAL performance that just bites - the system is obviously out of
CPU, but what I can't get a handle on is WHY.  It does not appear to be
accumulating large amounts of runtime in processes I can catch, but the load
average is quite high.

8.2.3 has the 'stats collector bug' (fixed in 8.2.4) which increased
load in high concurrency conditions.  on a client's machine after
patching the postmaster load drop from the 4-5 range to 1-2 range on a
500 tps server.  maybe this is biting you?  symptoms are high load avg
and high cpu usage of stats collector process.


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