On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Bill Moran wrote:

If you install the pg_buffercache addon, you can actually look into
PostgreSQL's internals and see what tables are in the buffer in real

The "Inside the PostgreSQL Buffer Cache" talk I did at the recent East conference is now on-line at http://www.westnet.com/~gsmith/content/postgresql/

The slides explain how that information gets updated and used internally, and the separate "sample queries" file there shows some more complicated views I've written against pg_buffercache. Here's a sample one:

relname       |buffered| buffers % | % of rel
accounts      | 306 MB | 65.3      | 24.7
accounts_pkey | 160 MB | 34.1      | 93.2

This shows that 65.3% of the buffer cache is filled with the accounts table, which is caching 24.7% of the full table. These are labeled "relations" because there's a mix of table and index data there. accounts_pkey is an index for example, which is why almost all of it is staying inside the buffer cache.

The queries that use usage_count only work against 8.3, that one above should work on older versions as well.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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