
I started to understand what is wrong: 
        - if I click on the moprh + keep down and slightly move
        -> the morph toggles as if I would have released the mouse button.

and this is not linked to the fact that I get outside the bounds of the morph.


On May 20, 2013, at 10:55 PM, Benjamin <> 

> I will try to have a look tomorrow afternoon :)
> Ben
> On May 20, 2013, at 10:50 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> It seems that the bug is link with the fact that the cursor get outside the 
>> bounds or not.
>> If you click and do not move or move but stay inside the morph it is ok
>> Now if you click and the mouse gets outside the bounds we get the funny and 
>> bad behavior.
>> I'm definitely exhausted now to think…. but here is the code for the night 
>> hackers :)
>> mouseDown: evt
>>      oldColor := self fillStyle.
>> mouseMove: evt
>>      (self containsPoint: evt cursorPoint)
>>              ifTrue: [self setSwitchState: (oldColor = offColor)]
>>              ifFalse: [self setSwitchState: (oldColor = onColor)].
>> mouseUp: evt
>>      (self containsPoint: evt cursorPoint)
>>              ifTrue: [  "toggle and do action"
>>                      self setSwitchState: (oldColor = offColor).
>>                      self doButtonAction]
>>              ifFalse: [  "restore old appearance"
>>                      self setSwitchState: (oldColor = onColor)].

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