On 18 June 2013 15:59, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.duca...@inria.fr> wrote:
> Hi guillermo
> I thought that we decided to change and not use
>         on: do: for shortCuts (I'm happy that we change because for me it 
> took me a while to understand that the key was not an exception.
> Could we deprecate on:do: on KMDispatcher?
> What is the replacement?
>         onKey: do:
> initializeShortcuts
>         "initialize the inspector' shortcuts with the dictionary defined in 
> self shortCuts"
>         self shortCuts keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
>                 list on: key do: value ]
> =>
> initializeShortcuts
>         "initialize the inspector' shortcuts with the dictionary defined in 
> self shortCuts"
>         self shortCuts keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
>                 list onHold: key do: value ]
hold or press?

you *press* the key, *hold* it for a while and then *release*.

usually you receive 2 events - press and release.
and you don't receive 'hold' event, since it is assumed that key is
being held until it released.

then on top of that, there is a key repeat functionality, is when user
holds key it starts repeating
(but again, ideally you don't receive a 'press' event, but you receive
a synthetic 'keyChar' event)

> Stef

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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