Hi Dale,

The introduction of Opal as the new compiler has some side effects.
The problem is reported here : https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?11141
Today, Camillo and I worked on this problem and we should come with a solution 
Once integrated in the image, you should have the same kind of output you have 
on Pharo 2.0.

Maybe you can trigger a new build for Pharo 3.0. There was also a bug related 
the new classBuilder introduction and it is now fixed.

Le 8 juil. 2013 à 05:04, Dale K. Henrichs a écrit :

> When I am using travis, I am looking at the log file of the run just to see 
> if the test passed or failed, so to have a "dead stack trace" right there in 
> the log file that I am looking at is exactly what I WANT ... most of the time 
> the stack trace is enough for me to debug the problem...
> | And exactly in the case you describe theses fuel files can save you a
> | lot of time since you can basically debug the same way you debug a
> | local application.
> Except that I rarely write code in Pharo3.0, but I am interested in running 
> tests and seeing the results of tests and seeing stack traces for failures 
> for the code when it is run against Pharo3.0 ... These days I do the bulk of 
> my development for FileTree, Metacello, etc. using tODE in GemStone, so I 
> don't usually even have a Pharo development image (especially a fresh one) 
> available to do testing ... so a stack trace actually saves me a whole lot of 
> time...

Here Camillo just pointed you a very useful mechanism you can use to debug. At 
the end, you are free to check stack traces and try to fix from tODE/GemStone 
if you prefer this way.

> | In any case I see 4 failing tests on our jenkins build:
> | 
> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/FileTree/PHARO=30,VERSION=stable,VM=vm/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/

If you don't want to wait to have feedback from Travis with the error output 
fixed, this is the way to go. You can get the stack trace by clicking on each 
failed test.
We should have the same failed tests on Travis.


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