2013/12/2 Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com>:
> EstebanLM wrote
>> yes, the transcript is ThreadSafeTranscript
> Does "ThreadSafe" mean I don't have to wrap all my debug logging in
> "WorldState addDeferredUIMessage: [ Transcript... ]? That would save a lot
> of time :)

According to the implementation it means there is a Mutex stopping
multiple processes from doing operations (#nextPut:, #nextPutAll:) at
the same time. It is... who sends the message first will be received
happily, whoever is second will have to wait in a semaphore :D

Funny outputs might happen if two different senders use #nextPut: intertwined.
(other frameworks only left "complete line" outputs to loggers, to
avoid this kind of scenarios).


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