> So, what to do?
> - Don't send ClassModifiedClassDefinition in
> SystemAnnouncer>>traitDefinitionChangedFrom: oldTrait to: newTrait ?
>  - Implement Trait>>layout ?
> - Test for oldClassDefinition isTrait in
> ClassModifiedClassDefinition>>isPropagating ?
I discussed with Camille and we think it's better this other alternative:
to fix class builder to only announce ClassModifiedClassDefinition for the
class that really changed its definition. For the subclasses, it won't be
announced. This way, it's not necessary to check if it is a propagation. We
can remove the two implementors and the unique sender.

I verified that this was the behavior of "old class builder" (in Pharo 2).
Do you agree?

I can submit a slice this afternoon.


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