2014-04-08 10:05 GMT+01:00 kilon alios <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> I am following the documentation here
> http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/PharoLauncher
> and it sends me also there
> http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download/ubuntu
> then it says
> "Just launch the Pharo launcher image using the platform-specific VM."
> but there is no information how to do that.

When I go to http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download/ubuntu I get the

Pharo on Ubuntu
> Installation
> If you are an Ubuntu user, you can very easily install the Pharo. You have
> to add the Pharo PPA (ppa:pharo/stable) and install the Pharo Launcher by
> issuing these commands:
> $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pharo/stable
> $ sudo apt-get update
> $ sudo apt-get install pharo-launcher:i386
> If you don't have the add-apt-repository command, install the
> 'software-properties-common' package and try again.
> If you are on a server (no GUI), you can get a Pharo Virtual Machine by
> installing pharo-vm-core.
> Details
> The following 3 packages are provided:
> - pharo-launcher: the main entry point for nearly everyone.
> - pharo-vm-desktop: if you want to handle your images manually.
> - pharo-vm-core: if you are on a server with no GUI.

Presumably you get a Pharolauncher menu entry after that. To me it´s not
necessary to be more specific, if one can´t figure out how to launch a
program through the menus there are probably some concepts to learn before
getting into programming. But that´s just my opinion.

> There is also no information about where Pharo Launcher installs and what
> files it installs. Not good :(

There is no information about that for the other platforms either. To me it
doesn´t seem important, and since we´re dealing with packages, the package
manager should be able to tell you what files are installed where. Having
that written in documentation makes it yet another piece of documentation
that needs to be maintained.


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