Just to add... looking back (I wasn't there at the time) when Pharo forked from Squeak, it seems "cleaning" and "innovating" were two significant points you wanted differentiate from Squeak for Smalltalker insiders. Now a few years on, that is probably firmly established and you can start targeting the market beyond Smalltalk insiders.

Ben Coman wrote:

Some feedback on the Pharo 3.0 Release welcome text.


From watching the Ruby conference video from another recent thread, use of the word "immersive" really caught my attention. As well, from another recent thread, newcomers probably don't care if its Smalltalk - either actual or inspired.

So lets sell the strongest outside marketing message first...

 Welcome to Pharo, an immersive live programming environment.

rather than

Welcome to Pharo, a clean, innovative, free, and open-source Smalltalk-inspired environment.


Newcomers wont know how to "execute" a statement, so...
You can learn pharo by highlighting the next line and selecting [Do it] from the context menu:
rather than
 You can learn pharo by executing:
(Later reference to "executing" is okay.)

> Better [ackaging for standard download
Better packaging for standard download

>Browser the documentation http://www.pharo.org/documentation
Browsing the documentation http://www.pharo.org/documentation

>Getting the Pharo By Example book (available as a free PDF):
(This is the only line with a colon, remove that.)

Maybe move "New class builder" under Kernel heading .
Maybe change "More" heading to "Tools"

cheers -ben

btw, it would be really cool if URLs within comments were automatically identified and clickable to launch an external browser.

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