Hi Stephan,

Le 30 juin 2014 à 20:50, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

> Kilon wrote:
>> I disagreed with this Stephan
>> "That being said, I am getting a bit nervous about how versioner is 
>> released. It should aim to improve the way people can work, and not to 
>> create a single workflow for all people working on pharo projects. I hope my 
>> >fears are unfounded."
>> this what I was replying to. 
> Ok. The concrete problem we ran into with the current version of Versioner is 
> that it 
> wants to resolve dependencies to exact versions. For configurations depending
> on Seaside, Magritte or Grease, this is normally unwanted. They should depend 
> on
> the symbolic release versions. With the high number of changes in Pharo, exact
> versions have a short lifetime.

I don't think it is the problem because the solving to exact versions is an 
option (You have a check box).
The real problem is the support of platform-specific sections.

> Dale wrote:
>> In a programming language where the development environment allows 
>> script-based tools (as opposed to GUI-based tools)
>> it is much easier to construct custom "tools" to support variations in 
>> workflow 
>> ... individual developers routinely copy/share scripts that routinely need 
>> to be customized for  their environment ... 
> In order to work together effectively in open source projects it is important 
> that
> contributors know what workflow is used in a project. That is easier when the
> number of different workflows is limited. Because projects depend on other 
> projects
> the number of combinations of workflow is very large. Scriptable tools can 
> easily
> support these resulting combinations. Building a GUI tool that is both very 
> flexible
> and very easy to use seems to be less easy. 

Yes but some part are reusable. For example, Versionner uses MetacelloToolBox 
that was not thinked to support the current Versionner workflow. Versionner has 
some classes (model, commands) aside the GUI that can be reused for other 


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