Le 19 sept. 2014 à 11:21, kilon alios a écrit :

> Well to kepp you updated , because I did not bother replying to my own thread 
> since none seemed to care or have the same issue as me.

I was out of office last days ...

> I tried on windows again same error as macos on a fresh image by the way. So 
> I know it must not be me. 

On which image? I just tried on a fresh 3.0 image and it also works for me.

> The only things I am doing with pharo is 
> 1) use dark theme
> 2) use free type font Arial on windows and Monaco on macos
> 3) use filetree for working with a git directory.

Maybe a side effect.
Could you give me a script to help reproducing the problem? Maybe just your 
startup script.
Does the problem appear the first time you open Versionner?


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