On 09/19/2014 02:32 AM, kilon alios wrote:

I have been using not gitfiletree but filetree alone for the past week
for my project Ephestos, because I am ok commiting to git via terminal/


I have to congratulate people behind filetree it has been a smooth ride
so far.I had no problems with it at all and I am using git in terminal
for doing all the git commits and push etc.

I've also been using filetree and manually using git (and github) for the past two years. It works really well for me.

filetree also has been very succesful at some major refactoring I have
done to Ephestos, I had to change the name of an entire class and I had
to change methods to other classes . Filetree did an excellent job not
just with the export to st file but actually git was able to see which
files were deleted and which were renamed.

That meant I did not have to do any git rm .

However I do need to git add every time I add a new method or filetree
creates a new file. Usually that is not  a problem because I can see
what files are not tracked by git with git status and copy paste their
paths to git add.

After I save in Monticello to my Filetree local filesystem, I just do

  git add -A

then I'm ready to commit. The -A (different from -a) picks up all changed, added, and removed files automatically.

So I will say overall my commits have been a process of saving in
monticello , git add, git commit and git push which exactly the same
process I have used for when I was and still coding in python.

That's my workflow as well. I also do work towards a particular bugfix or feature out on a Git branch, then merge that branch into the master whenever I'm done with that particular issue. Basically, normal Git workflow, which makes tracking things very easy.

So thank you for this tool , I got fed up with the slow downs of
Smalltalkhub and all its problems and it feels great to be back at using
github :)

I will keep testing for a couple a months and then completely move to
github . The only thing I noticed is that sometimes monticello slows
down but that may well be a problem with Pharo 4.

I haven't noticed this, but I'm still on Pharo 3 for most of my project work.



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