So I decided to give Command Shell a spin using today's Pharo 4 release and
I have some issues

*a) The text is too small* . After some investigation I found that the size
is defined in ShellWindowMorph class>>textStyle

"A fixed width font for the text morph"

^ (TextStyle named: 'DefaultFixedTextStyle')
ifNil: [TextStyle default]

I assume there is a reason why a fixed size font is used . I changed it to
just TextStyle default and works fine.

*b) no ~ folder.* Trying a "cd ~" command does not work it complains that
the folder does not exist.

*c) not able to run shell scripts or other scripts* (eg. python scripts).
For example if I try "./" even though this command works fine in
my macos terminal and iTerm2 , it does not work in Command Shell and
complains that it cannot find the command.

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