On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 11:09:24AM +0200, kilon alios wrote:
> So I decided to give Command Shell a spin using today's Pharo 4 release and
> I have some issues
> *a) The text is too small* . After some investigation I found that the size
> is defined in ShellWindowMorph class>>textStyle
> textStyle
> "A fixed width font for the text morph"
> ^ (TextStyle named: 'DefaultFixedTextStyle')
> ifNil: [TextStyle default]
> I assume there is a reason why a fixed size font is used . I changed it to
> just TextStyle default and works fine.

The intent is to provide a readable fixed font for a "text terminal" window.
It does not seem to work on Pharo. TextStyle named: 'DefaultFixedTextStyle'
does not look like a fixed font to me, and as you say it is too small to be

I'm not too familiar with the font handling in Pharo, so if you can suggest
a font that works better, that would be great.

> *b) no ~ folder.* Trying a "cd ~" command does not work it complains that
> the folder does not exist.

CommandShell is a partial simulation of a unix shell. Many features of a
real shell are not implemented. In this case, the $~ character is not being
interpreted as it would be in a real shell, instead it is simply treated
as a text character, so it does nothing at all.

> *c) not able to run shell scripts or other scripts* (eg. python scripts).
> For example if I try "./blender.sh" even though this command works fine in
> my macos terminal and iTerm2 , it does not work in Command Shell and
> complains that it cannot find the command.

It may be that default directory conventions are different either on
Pharo (compared to Squeak) or on OS X (compared to generic unix). I don't
have a Mac so I'm afraid that I am guessing at this.

FYI, CommandShell is keeping track of its own notion of the "current working
directory". If you do a 'pwd' command in your command shell, it should show
you what the command shell thinks is its current working directory. This also
works in Widows by the way, which was something of a challenge handling
those "drive letters" ;-)


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