Sean P. DeNigris wrote
> We have two kinds of external projects in Pharo:

After reviewing your fix, your case is especially complicated - you have
edited one of each type of project! Spec, which has been forked, and
Versionner, which is externally maintained. You may have to open another
issue for the Spec changes. In fact, I think we should have a discussion
because you extended the extremely ugly SystemWindow logic (not blaming you,
you didn't create it!) into Spec:
        (self model respondsTo: #aboutTitle)
                ifTrue: [^self model aboutTitle].
        ^(self model respondsTo: #toolName)
                ifTrue: [self model toolName]
                ifFalse: [self model class name].

The Versionner about text proposal is more straightforward. I copied your
package into the PharoExtras/Versionner repo (I actually made some edits to
the text as I think that Metacello and Monticello should be described
elsewhere in their own context). The next step would be to create a
configuration to pick up these changes, but I guess the Spec question would
have to be resolved first...

Please don't be discouraged! By chance, you stepped into the absolute the
worst-case scenario. Thankfully, many issues are much easier to integrate :)

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