On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 8 May 2015 at 19:22, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Alain Rastoul <alf.mmm....@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Le 08/05/2015 16:16, Eliot Miranda a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>>      if one uses a at doit transcript then no special action is
>>>> required to get output to appear beyond sending flush to Transcript right?
>>>> So any solution that requires special action to get the moronic transcript
>>>> to work us broken.  We should fix the transcript, not expect every
>>>> application to work around a bug.
>>>> Eliot (phone)
>>>>  Yes  using World dooneCycle is bad, but forking another process not
>>> bad IMHO:
>>> There is probably a solution to make the Transcript less moronic and
>>> refresh the world
>>> (it seems  very different from Squeak transcript) but it would be an
>>> uncomplete specific-to-Transcript solution.
>> Why?  Why wouldn't it e a general solution that was available to any
>> morph that wanted to update its contents immediately?
>>> The first thing I did when I tried Stef's example in Squeak was trying
>>> to move the window (it was
>>> a bit overlapped by my workspace) but I couldn't.
>>> If we do
>>> [       | m |
>>>         [ m := BorderedMorph   new  borderColor: (Color yellow) .
>>>         m position: 0@0.
>>>         m openInWorld .
>>>         1 to: 500 do: [ :i | m position: i@i .
>>>                 1 milliSeconds asDelay wait ]
>>>         ] ensure: [  m delete  ] .
>>> ] value
>>> we see nothing.
>>> if we replace value by fork, we can see a morph moving , because of the
>>> way Morphic world runs
>>> you know that of course, it's just that this example does not sound nice
>>> to me too.
>>> Wouldn't it be better to execute do-it (s) systematically in another
>>> process ?
>> I find this faintly absurd.  This is, in the English phrase, the tail
>> wagging the dog.  You don;t know how many issues executing doits in their
>> own process will cause (it could break Monticello package update for
>> example, when running package postscripts, it could prevent doits doing
>> simple things, for example) all for want of the transcript updating
>> itself.  So instead of fixing the problem we're considering introducing
>> huge unknowns in a core piece of the system?  I think that's a little mad.
> True.. but this is only highlights how deeply broken the overall system
> around UI are.
> Why would MC postscripts need to run in UI thread? Aren't they should be
> completely independent of having UI process at all (unless we're talking
> about packages that actually providing these facilities) ?
> I know that running doits in separate process is 'bad idea' (tm). Only
> because of original bad idea in the past to not care about clearly separate
> things and rely on de-facto non-linear and intricate dependencies in
> system, that established over the years, because of lack of design and
> planning.
> I know it may sound like an arrogant moron blabbery, but it doesn't means
> i wrong :)

I still don't hear any rationale for the transcript not updating itself
when it does flush/endEntry:.  I still don't hear any rationale for the
morphic transcript  behaving differently to a stdout transcript.  In that
case, it only makes sense to fix the transcript, right?

>>> and have a friendly way to control those processes, a bit similar to
>>> what happens when you launch  your program in other IDEs like eclipse,
>>> visual studio, it starts another process ?
>>> And to start, with a simple  right-click menu option : 'Do it async' to
>>> experiment
>>> (from a recent discussion, may be few problems with the inspector,
>>> but that's another point)
>>> I don't know how it works under other smalltalks, does it blocks under
>>> VisualWorks when you execute some do-it ?
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Alain
>> --
>> best,
>> Eliot
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko.


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