2015-07-08 15:25 GMT+02:00 Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:

> On 08 Jul 2015, at 15:19, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> 2015-07-08 15:11 GMT+02:00 Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.ber...@me.com>:
>> > Our “coding” atoms are methods, not classes. Having method per file we
>> can trace the history of changes with method detail, not class.
>> That I understand.
>> > Now… you are complaining in the wrong problem.
>> Well… Having one file per method seems to be very problematic after all.
> It's not ;)
>> > FileTree meta information (who causes your merge problems) is needed
>> *just* to keep monticello compatibility.
>> > That’s what is plain wrong and should be at least optional :)
>> >
>> > I would happily integrate a “PlainFileTree” protocol (without
>> monticello information) as an option, if someone provides such extension.
>> > Crap, I could make it myself if I have the time!… maybe next insomnia
>> night :P
>> We can work on this next week. I am fed up to hear “why you guys are not
>> using github?"
> It's extremely easy to do.
> Most of the code is ready for it.
> But since there is no real push to get Pharo under git for now, I've left
> it as it is. In part because some are using FileTree directly and they need
> that compatibility level.
> you’re wrong :)
> I feel the pain each time I need to provide a “we are not ready yet”.

You are not ready yet. I am long past the ready point ...

So I'm letting you wait for libcgit integration and the perfect time to be

> As I said… real reason we are not ready is because we are still trying to
> mix to words, in ways no one actually needs.
> So please… push!

I do :) Pushing for OSProcess corrections is that; GitFileTree as it is a
satisfactory solution for the time being.

> Esteban
> ps: and btw… there is no reason why we cannot keep “mc-file-tree” along
> with a “plain-file-tree” both alive. As I said… I just can image very few
> cases when we *actually* need that compatibility.

Yes, but, since all the issues have been resolved (merge and all), I don't
see the value ;)

The barriers are in the Pharo team choices at the moment.


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