I suggest that you think more modularly.
Some people will just want some 3D, others everything so this is important that they can use the part they want. For example we are using Woden for a Thales prototype and there is no need for bullet, openAl.


Le 11/7/15 08:59, Ronie Salgado a écrit :

    this is nice but why do you want to integrate it into Woden?
To me Woden is for 3D graphics. Woden is actually a game engine. Currently there is even some support for using bullet physics, but it is actually a bit hard to use because it requires compiling the bindings. Of course, using sound will be optional. Integrating sound support is quite easy. There is only three things that need to be added to woden: Sound sources, sound listener and sound data.

The hardest part with sound is actually being able to play a .wav, .mp3. or a .ogg. Currently I am looking in the PharoSound package for existing infrastructure for loading or streaming these sound formats. But i think, that I will have to add the support for Ogg/Vorbis. I don't like using MP3 because of the infamous patents.

    Is openAL proprietary now.. ? I guess it was open source and there
    is a fork now.

Well, the only hardware implementation that I know about is the one by Creative. I always use the open source implementation OpenAL Soft ( ). I use OpenAL because it is the only cross platform 3D audio API/library that I know about, and because it is really to use. I don't have to worry about multi-threading when using it.

I am not using SDL2 audio support because:
- It uses a callback for filling the sound buffer, which is run in another operating system thread.
- No 3D audio support.


2015-07-11 0:30 GMT-03:00 S Krish < <>>:

    Is openAL proprietary now.. ? I guess it was open source and there
    is a fork now.

    On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Ronie Salgado
    < <>> wrote:


        I made bindings for OpenAL, a 3D audio library.

        Here I made a quick demo:

        Next, I will integrate it into Woden.


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