I should say that I love such class comments
Keep your great work sven.

Le 14/3/16 10:14, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
Yes, the ZTimestamp project has that.

Here is the class comment of ZTimezone

I am ZTimezone, representing the timezone information in the standard Olsen 



You reference timezones by their ID. The list of supported identifiers is 
accessible using

   ZTimezone timezoneIdentifiers.

To access a timezone do

   ZTimezone id: 'Europe/Brussels'.

The necessary information will be loaded, parsed and cached from a binary file 
of the zoneinfo database (see also man tzfile). This should work automagically 
on Mac OS X and Unix, on Windows you have to download the necessary files and 
specify their location

   ZTimezone zoneInfoLocation: FileLocator C / 'foo' / 'bar' / 'zoneinfo'.

Once you get a handle on a timezone, the main operation is to query the sub 
timezone that is applicable at a certain point in time

   (ZTimezone id: 'Europe/Brussels') subzoneForTimestamp: ZTimestamp now.

The ZSubTimezone instance returned contains information like the UTC offset. 
Since you'll probably only be interested in that aspect there is a convenience 

   (ZTimezone id: 'Europe/Brussels') offsetForTimestamp: DateAndTime now.

The flow is that for every GMT timestamp, you get the concrete offset to use 
for a specific timezone. Note that this is not a constant, it depends on the 
time periode the timestamp falls in.

The are 2 more convenience methods to quickly convert between GTM and local 
wall time

   (ZTimezone id: #'Europe/Brussels') gmtToLocal: ZTimestamp now.
   (ZTimezone id: #'Europe/Brussels') localToGmt: DateAndTime now.

Also note the zoneTab and the timezones are cached in the image. When the TZ 
database changes, it might be necessary to either call #cleanUp or #reloadAll. 
When moving images between machines, either all info should be loaded and 
cached, or it might be necessary to use #zoneInfoLocation: again.


A chronological array of transition points in unix time specifies which sub 
zone is active from that point on to the next.


The format 2 data following the format 1 data is not read as it is a duplicate. 
Leap seconds, the standard/wall indicators and the UTC/local indicators are 
currently ignored, but their information is read and stored.


On 14 Mar 2016, at 10:09, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

I saw TimeZoneDatabase on SS3 (and updated this month)

Are we using this in Pharo in any way? Seems like a must have.

     location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/TimeZoneDatabase'
     user: '<youruser>'
     password: ''


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