On 03/08/2016 10:56, Ben Coman wrote:
> I would guess code expansions could be many and varied between
> different individuals, and quickly consume available keyboard
> shortcuts.  Perhaps a generic mechanism would be single shortcut for
> "code expansion" which processes the letters preceding the cursor.
> For example, using shortcut <ctrl-e> for code expansion and typing...
> itf<ctrl-e>
> ==>   ifTrue: [ ] ifFalse: [ ]
> The could be an interface to define these code expansions - initially
> at least on a purely personal basis.
>> And this is not really for adding a new feature. This shortcut already 
>> (always :) ) existed
> With a single shortcut for code expansion, perhaps a few other
> existing combinations could be freed up.
> cheers -ben

This would be really cool :)
If everyone agree, let's open an issue.

There is this kind of things in JetBrains Tools but with autocompletion
instead of shortcut. You have some expression that make pop the
autocompletion dialog to change it on piece of code.

For example in Intellij you can type "sout" and the autocompletion will
propose "System.out.println()".

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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