Le 3/8/16 à 10:27, Guille Polito a écrit :
I'm also against.

- They take a place in the shortcuts that prevents others to use it
- If lazy people really needs this, the code completion should be enhanced. This is a code completion concern...

For your information a student from Prague will start to work on that soon :)


In general, my rule of thumb is to answer the following questions:
  How many people use it?
    - if a lot, maybe it makes sense to integrate it
    - if not a lot, make it a loadable extension

  How often do people use it?
- if at least 10 times per hour (e.g., reformat code, senders, implementors, search) the shortcut should be simple - otherwise we can put it in a more complex combination to leave place to the common ones.


-------- Original Message --------
From a software design perspective it shouldn't be easy to insert #ifTrue:ifFalse :)


Am 03.08.2016 um 10:15 schrieb Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com <mailto:nicolaih...@gmail.com>>:

Any objections on using
cmd+t / cmd+f for insert ifTrue/ifFalse
(linux/windows this would be alt+t/alt+f, mac this would be cmd+t/cmd+f).

2015-08-12 18:52 GMT+02:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

    Le 11/8/15 10:25, Nicolai Hess a
    écrit :

    I am nearly finished with converting old shortcut
    mapping (Editor/TextEditor cmdActions/shiftCmdAction

    to our keymapping framework.

    15619 <https://pharo.fogbugz.com/default.asp?15619>

    cleanup TextEditors shortcut

    Thank a lot!

    Yesterday with guillermo and christophe we spent one full afternoon
    reading all the recursive dependencies introduced

    when we just want to have monticello in the bootstrap (to be able to
    load code).

    We filled up two black boards and I should say that I was a nice
    down to see the complexity but we will fix it :).

    Yesterday Esteban sat with igor and started to integrate the
    OSWindow integration work of igor (yes igor you should do pull
    requests :).

    So there are some problems with the mac vm and this will have to be
    fixed (probably next week).

    After I hope that we will get clean events from SDL

    I need some more time, one or two vm changes and some people
    testing this on a mac.

    Tell us we will :)

    I know, this is a bit late because we replace our text
    components with rubric, but if this

    is finished and working for "old" PluggableTextMorphs, I will do
    the same for rubric.

    Thanks thanks thanks.

    I often frustrated when I see myself doing things more than twice
    but this is a pattern. I decided long time ago that

    if this is necessary to do intermediate actions to lower the stress
    on the future actions, I'm ready to throw awy what

    I did to get the ultimate goal reached.

    2015-08-08 14:57 GMT+02:00
    Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:

        if reintroduce
        them means reintroduce them hardcoded as
        before, then I’m complete against it and I
        WILL NOT integrate such solution.
        I’m sorry for being so strong here, but
        previous implementation was lame and we need
        to get rid of them.

        Now, I understand people are used to use
        those bindings and also some others (no idea
        which ones because I never used them… for me
        ocompletion is good enough… but those are
        tastes). So I would be very happy to
        integrate a generic way to define
        keybindings and outputs (which is already
        there, with keymapping, but I mean an editor
        or something), and I would be very happy to
        integrate a default configuration (which of
        course, will include #ifTrue:/##ifFalse:)


        On 08 Aug 2015, at 12:45,
        Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com>


        I would also
        appreciate if it was readded,
        as I've been using it


        Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 12:21
        PM, ThomasHeniart <heniart.tho...@gmail.com>

            I think
            it could be nice to keep
            this shortcut :)

            On 08/08/2015
            12:12, Franck
            Warlouzet wrote:


            Yes it was not
            on purpose. It
            is not
            implemented in
            Rubric, but I
            can do it if
            there is a need
            of it (which
            seems to be the


            Date: Sat,
            8 Aug 2015
            12:09:22 +0200

            From: i.uh...@gmail.com

            To: pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org

            ifTrue ifFalse


            removal of
            shortcuts on
            purpose, or by


            was caused by
            switch to


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