Proposal two:

         We could add withoutBasename


                 ^ self parent

I don't see a point of this method, why not just use #parent?
This is a helper.
parent is good for navigation now withoutBasename is good for manipulation
of parts.
It took me a while to think that I should use parent because I was looking
for something else.
So the problem then is a documentational one.
No I do not want to read a pdf to get it.

You convinced me this library is perfect and I will keep these extensions
for me.
My point is, do we want to add every possible variation and helper for every 
use case a person can think of?
I believe last year there was a lot of effort put into cleaning up String api; 
did String end up where it is with similar approach? I don't know, I haven't 
been here, that's why I am asking.

Also in other languages it is common to use `dirname` instead of parent => "asking 
for the directory name of what you have".

But as you point out in another thread, this is a documentational issue, and 
not a missing method.

I do not want to be forced to read a doc to use a system.
The system itself should be discoverable and it is not in this case.
This is why I will not write documentation of others code anymore.
     Proposal three:

     Not sure that it is worth

     (note that this is not a rename)

         withNewExtension: anExtension
             ^ self parent / self basenameWithoutExtension
     withExtension: anExtension

Is this somehow different than using #withExtension: directly?
Obviously since I'm with Sven one of the few persons that seem concerned
with such aspect.
Please, just so there is no misunderstanding. I do care about it and I am not 
fundamentally against it.
You sent your proposals, I've added my view, and I expect other people will add 
theirs, so we can collectively discuss this and act on it.

You see I could have pushed this change without discussing.
I can understand that proposal 3 is useless since this is the same.
But the others have a value to me. Now I added them in my private extensions and this is good.


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