Le 18/8/16 à 21:31, stepharo a écrit :
Hi all

I implemented the <examplar> to behave as suggested by torsten and it is available in less than 5 min (I loved it). An example is JUST a class method returning an instance.
examplar is JUST... :)

CTGrid class >> grid22
    "self grid22"
    | grid1 |
    grid1 := self new: 2.
    grid1 atRow: 1 atColumn: 1 put: 1.
    grid1 atRow: 1 atColumn: 2 put: 3.
    grid1 atRow: 2 atColumn: 1 put: 2.
    grid1 atRow: 2 atColumn: 2 put: 4.
    ^ grid1

You can use this method as any class method in the past. NOTHING new!!
So in particular your test can use it to build a fixture (yes reuse). You can use this method in several test cases (yes reuse).

Now nautilus supports nicely <examplar> methods: you can execute them and get a cool GTInspector open on them. So this is similar to the method exampleSomething from Nautilus point of view. And now people can use example to create/open/... their lovely examples (that may not return instances). And we get examplar methods that must return an instance but can behave as example from Nautilus perspective.


If you want to try you can load the CTGrid packages

ScriptLoader new unloadPackageNamed: 'Collections-Grid'.
ScriptLoader new unloadPackageNamed: 'Collections-Grid-Tests'.
"Because there were not good and will be removed from the image"
Gofer it
    url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/StephaneDucasse/Containers/main';
    configurationOf: 'Grid';

Click on class side of CTGrid and press the triangle and yes you get an inspector on this instance.


Le 18/8/16 à 14:38, stepharo a écrit :

In my projects I start to do the following:

I create <examplar> class method that returns an prototypical instance.

I use such methods in my tests as fixture.

Then I would like to have nautilus presenting to me the <examplar> with a little triangle and when I press

on them I get an inspector on them.

This way I get the same behavior than with default <example> methods that open an widget, image....

If we agree on that

- I can take all the <example> and turn them if necessary into examplar.

- extend Nautilus to send an inspect to the result of examplar tagged method.

I think that we can achieve a lot in terms of discovery with such simple changes.


PS: I reread the old thread and I think that this is a reasonable approach that makes

the pro instances (like me) and the pro examples showing some things (like me) happy.

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