2016-10-19 18:06 GMT+02:00 Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com>:

> It can be bootstrapped with the following script:
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'Sparta';
>   repository: 'github://syrel/sparta:v1.1/src';
>   load: #file:core
Strange crash detected.
I just execute twice this script and pharo crashed. I use Mac sierra. And
here is top of crash.dmp:

C stack backtrace & registers:
eax 0x0f986260 ebx 0x00000000 ecx 0x00000000 edx 0x00000000
edi 0x103bfc4e esi 0x103bfc4e ebp 0xbff58bf8 esp 0xbff58bd0
eip 0x103bfcd4
0   libMoz2D.dylib                      0x103bfcd4
_ZN22nsComponentManagerImpl4InitEv + 148
1   Pharo                               0x00067b16 reportStackState + 166

Smalltalk stack dump:
0xbff69b60 I MozServices class>primStartServices 0xca6c830: a(n)
MozServices class
0xbff69b80 I MozServices class>start 0xca6c830: a(n) MozServices class

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