2016-12-28 0:17 GMT+01:00 Cyril Ferlicot D. <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>:

> I'm not a "pro" of ux but at Synectique I make the css of our web tools.
> So I can try to make some mockup of widgets when I will have some time

It will be really really nice.

> but I will not have the time to implements them in Pharo/Morph.

No problem here. I think implementing all "candies" is task for many

> Tomorrow I will send a screen of the nested list we made at Synectique.
> It's a responsive tree with icons at the right and/or left.
> And also I know the priority is the features. I just make some notes of
> the main UI problems because it's something that should not be forgotten
> after the features implementation :) And I am well aware that it's hard
> to find time to fix design. (Tests, doc, design, promo, bug correction,
> speed up… Too much things to do after making a feature :D)

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