2016-12-28 13:55 GMT+01:00 Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>:

> Wow, it already have features I have wished since long time (like the view
> or inherited / filtered methods and multi selection everywhere).
> About RB, how much do you plan to integrate? From the screenshots I can
> see only a few basic ones. Is the idea to have at least the ones of
> Nautilus?

Yes of course. Now I added what I personally used often. I will document
how extend Calypso in many aspects. So others could participate easily.
Now just report what you really miss on github.
And of course you could just discover code and add missing refactorings in
same way as existing

> Can we add a feature to compare /diff to random methods? Right now
> nautilus allows you that but it must be from the same class....

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