Here is an example of using the ast to remove -all- halts from the code if one 
or more is encountered during execution.
| haltTypes haltingMethods testCode |

haltTypes := #( halt halt: haltIf: haltIfNil haltOnCount: haltOnce).
haltingMethods := IdentitySet new.

"example code"
Object compile: 'aMethod | a | self halt. a := 42. self haltIf: a = 42; 
haltOnCount: 2; yourself. self haltOnce; halt: ''Halting!''. self yourself; 
haltIfNil; yourself. [ 1 halt ] value.  ^ a'.
testCode := (Object >> #aMethod) ast formattedCode.

[ "do stuff here"

              Object new perform: #aMethod

] on: Halt do: [ :ex |
              haltingMethods add: ex signalerContext method.
              "ex debug" "<- show debugger on a halt"
              ex resume.

haltingMethods do: [ :method | | ast cascades |
              ast := method ast copy.
              cascades := IdentitySet new.

              ast allChildren
                             select: [ :child | child isMessage and: [ 
haltTypes includes: child selector ] ]
                             thenDo: [ :child | | parent |
                                           parent := child parent.
                                           parent isCascade
                                                          ifTrue: [
messages remove: child.
cascades add: parent
                                                          ifFalse: [ parent 
removeNode: child ].

                             select: [ :cascadeNode | cascadeNode messages 
                             thenDo: [ :cascadeNode | cascadeNode parent 
removeNode: cascadeNode ].

              method origin
                             compile: ast formattedCode
                             classified: method protocol.


              from: testCode
              to: (Object >>#aMethod) sourceCode
              contextClass: Object
) openInWindow

Best regards,

Fra: Pharo-dev [] På vegne av Stephane 
Sendt: 19 January 2017 18:46
Til: Pharo Development List <>
Emne: [Pharo-dev] In the need of Pharo magic

I would love to get a functionality that dynamically removes from my code all 
the self halt that are encountered during test execution.
This way I will not need to run the test, walk the stack, edit the code and 
retart the process.

It would be really cool

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