
I would like to extend the debugger with some context-dependent information.
I am playing with metalinks and I would like to show, in the debugger, some information if my metalinks are in the selected method.
This means that:
- I need to add a new presentation in the debugger next to the "variable" and "evaluator" ones. - I need to filter that presentation to show it depending on which method is selected.

I tried to extend ProtoObject with a method like:

gtDebuggerExpressionMachinViewIn: composite
        <gtDebuggerPresentationOrder: 21>

        composite text
                title: 'My machin';
                display: [ :browser :debugger | debugger asString]

However, this did not add a presentation in the debugger. It only show up when selecting an object in the debugger inspector (see screenshot).

How can I extend the debugger as I want?

Thomas and Guille

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