
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 3:52 AM, Frank-B <>

> Phil,
> nice attempt to drill and silence me! My advise: They all failed!

How is Phil's list of the advantages of mailing lists from a phone user
(advantages I depend on all the time) an attempt to silence you?

> If somebody can't cope with straight critics or unpopular opinions that
> aint
> my fault.

Phil cotradicting you is not an example of someone not coping with your
opinions, unpopular or otherwise.  Quite the opposite.  It is an example of
rational debate.  Phil is introducing the benefits he sees from using
mailing lists.  He disagrees with you.  To me it looks like you who can't
cope with his disagreement.  Instead of addressing his points you post an
extremely subjective response.

> Frank
> who never worried about being labeled and
> from a country where free speech is still welcome

Why is free speech necessarily a national issue?  It is also an issue at
smaller and larger scales.  How is your free speech being impinged upon
here?  You haven't been blocked.  Tudor gave a reasoned request for you to
be more civil, which is not bad advice.  I myself found your "javascript
idiots" shocking, because I can think of no better way of antagonizing the
JavaScript community, with which you may have to interact regularly to get
help with your project, than writing the entire community off as idiotic.
Maybe I misunderstood you.

Anyway, I do hope that you can find discussion here more p[roductive and
less antagonistic, both in your perceptions and your responses.  And more
importantly I hope you have productive discussions here.  We all stand to
benefit from each other if we can collaborate and assist, and that effort
is in my experience always helped by clear and courteous communication,
especially when opinions differ strongly.

> --
> View this message in context:
> using-Orca-Smalltalk-to-JavaScript-tp4960519p4961628.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Developers mailing list archive at

best, Eliot

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