Le 17/11/2017 à 11:08, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
Parsing difficulty also means that it is harder for humans to understand, to 
explain to (new) users.

Agreed. This is a significant issue in some programming languages.

It would be pretty strange to have binary selectors that are unary, is my first 

Or that it could be both...

An unary +, then a binary +, maybe not in the same class...


On 17 Nov 2017, at 18:32, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:

Le 17/11/2017 à 10:14, Nicolas Cellier a écrit :
2017-11-17 17:40 GMT+01:00 Gabriel Cotelli <g.cote...@gmail.com 
    I would really like to see % removed as a binary selector and
    available to use in unary or keyword ones. The only implementor in a
    Pharo 6 image is:
      % aNumber
         ^ self \\ aNumber
+1, such alias has nothing to do in Kernel
    So it's juts aliasing \\ , and % most widespread usage in the real
    world is por percentages (the use in modular arithmetic is more a
    programming thing that math notation I think).
    And for allowing more Unicode code points for selector names I'm
    totally in for Symbols, Arrows, Math Symbols, etc... We just need to
    analyse the ones that makes sense as binary selectors, and the ones
    allowed for unary and keyword ones. This will allow us to write
    pretty cool DSLs.
    Just my opinion.
This could also be the case for punctuation like ! and ?
The idea of Torsten is more generic, any combination of binary char could be 
 From what I understand from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LR_parser we would 
just have to scan one more token ahead for deciding if unary or binary, and 
could preserve our simple shift reduce steps...

The Smalltalk parsers being handwritten, there wouldn't be shift/reduces to 
contend with, and, anyway, the lexer doesn't shift/reduce; it would simply 
creates a token up to the next separator (that is goble up the next 
space/cr/end of line dot/closing parenthesis/etc...)

So it seems doable for resolving the send.

Sort of. The parser difficulty would be this one:

anObject % print

Is this a binary selector with a print argument or two unary selectors?

Using the symbol table when you parse would solve it, but that is certainly not 
context free...

More problematic would be the declaration of method, if we have both a unary + 
and a binary +, we will need new syntax for marking the difference.

In most cases, distinguishing between unary + declaration and binary + 
declaration would be doable:

+ whatever

is the start of a binary selector

+ ^ self

is the start (or the declaration of) an unary selector.

But writing

+ self

Can be interpreted as either unary plus doing self, or binary + method 

Whether it's worth or not is another matter...

Well, one should probably try to implement the various parsers for that (extend 
RB, extend the SmaCC Smalltalk parser, extend the Petit Parser) to see how much 
complexity it would bring.

Coming up with strange interpretations one could do with that syntax can be 
helpfull as well.



    On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 6:32 AM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de
    <mailto:asta...@gmx.de>> wrote:
        just something to think about: one thing I always liked about
        Smalltalk is that it allows for nice DSL's. We have nice things
        like a unit framework in Pharo, ...
        In the most simple case one can easily implement own units just
        by providing a unary messages:
          1 m
          1 second
          1 px
          1 EUR
        One can easily implement an own Money class with a currency and
        then do polymorphic tricks like
           10 EUR + 20 EUR
        But we can currently can not implement special unary selectors
        (including special unary selectors with unicode) like:
           100 %
           20 $
           40 €
           12 ‰  (for promille)
        Especially things like 20 % would be nice for layout issues or
        other (Bloc comes to mind).
        Maybe we should put that on the roadmap of Pharo because IMHO it
        would be cool to support such things in the
        future. Dont know how much effort it currently means on the
        technical level but maybe others can comment.

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