I just randomly ran into this project https://github.com/ba-st/aconcagua
which seems to be designed around such unary selectors.

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-dev <
pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Benoit St-Jean <bstj...@yahoo.com>
> To: Pharo Development List <pharo-dev@lists.pharo.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 23:55:56 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Pharo and special unary selectors
> Personnally, I against adding those special symbols.  They add close to
> nothing (except complexity in the parser) to what we can actually do!
> Besides, what does 30$ + 17$ add up to?  Oh!  Did I tell you it was
> actually $30USD + $17CAN ? :)
> -----------------
> Benoît St-Jean
> Yahoo! Messenger: bstjean
> Twitter: @BenLeChialeux
> Pinterest: benoitstjean
> Instagram: Chef_Benito
> IRC: lamneth
> Blogue: endormitoire.wordpress.com
> "A standpoint is an intellectual horizon of radius zero".  (A. Einstein)
> On Friday, November 17, 2017, 6:41:11 PM EST, Ben Coman <
> b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> If a valid Smalltalk method identifier contains only...
> [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
> http://www.osdata.com/programming/firstprograms/valididentifiers.html
> then one option could be that unary symbols must touch the previous
> identifier, i.e. no intervening whitespace,
>   100%
>   20$
>   40€
>   12‰
>   portion%
>   someMoney$
> or pick a new "unary separator/binder"
>   100'%    or  100 '%
>   20'$       or  20 '$
>   40'€       or  40 '€
>   12'‰     or  12 '‰
>   portion'%
>   someMoney'$
> or re-use the existing colon which indicates an argument to the right,
> to indicate an argument to the left....
>   100 :%
>   20 :$
>   40 :€
>   12 :‰  (for promille)
>   portion :%
>   someMoney :$
> which is unambiguous regarding block variable definitions since no
> messages are valid in the block variable definition area,
> but this may complicate precedence semantics due to its similarity to a
> keyword selector,
> and would complicate things if the space was missing.
> On 18 November 2017 at 04:02, Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@
> gmail.com> wrote:
> 2017-11-17 18:32 GMT+01:00 Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>:
> Le 17/11/2017 à 10:14, Nicolas Cellier a écrit :
> 2017-11-17 17:40 GMT+01:00 Gabriel Cotelli <g.cote...@gmail.com <mailto:
> g.cote...@gmail.com>>:
>     I would really like to see % removed as a binary selector and
>     available to use in unary or keyword ones. The only implementor in a
>     Pharo 6 image is:
>       % aNumber
>          ^ self \\ aNumber
> +1, such alias has nothing to do in Kernel
>     So it's juts aliasing \\ , and % most widespread usage in the real
>     world is por percentages (the use in modular arithmetic is more a
>     programming thing that math notation I think).
>     And for allowing more Unicode code points for selector names I'm
>     totally in for Symbols, Arrows, Math Symbols, etc... We just need to
>     analyse the ones that makes sense as binary selectors, and the ones
>     allowed for unary and keyword ones. This will allow us to write
>     pretty cool DSLs.
>     Just my opinion.
> This could also be the case for punctuation like ! and ?
> The idea of Torsten is more generic, any combination of binary char could
> be used.
>  From what I understand from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ LR_parser
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LR_parser> we would just have to scan one
> more token ahead for deciding if unary or binary, and could preserve our
> simple shift reduce steps...
> The Smalltalk parsers being handwritten, there wouldn't be shift/reduces
> to contend with, and, anyway, the lexer doesn't shift/reduce; it would
> simply creates a token up to the next separator (that is goble up the next
> space/cr/end of line dot/closing parenthesis/etc...)
> I don't have academical cursus, so I may be approximate, but the manually
> written parsers just have to read a single token ahead so far, and linearly
> build the parseNode, to me it was equivalent.
> So it seems doable for resolving the send.
> Sort of. The parser difficulty would be this one:
> anObject % print
> Yes, that's a severe limitation. Context free => it's a binary... Or we
> have to use ( ).
> But then it's unfriendly to have different rules for unary symbols versus
> unary words...
> It devaluates the idea...
> Is this a binary selector with a print argument or two unary selectors?
> Less ambiguous...
> anObject'% print
> anObject '% print
> Using the symbol table when you parse would solve it, but that is
> certainly not context free...
> More problematic would be the declaration of method, if we have both a
> unary + and a binary +, we will need new syntax for marking the difference.
> In most cases, distinguishing between unary + declaration and binary +
> declaration would be doable:
> + whatever
> is the start of a binary selector
> + ^ self
> is the start (or the declaration of) an unary selector.
> But writing
> + self
> Can be interpreted as either unary plus doing self, or binary + method
> definition...
> a "unary binder" could distinguish them...
> binary method definition...
> + self
> unary method definition...
> '+ self
>  issues...
> + b | c |
> a binary plus with unused temp and implicit ^self, or unary + with binary
> | sent to b with unary (c |) parameter etc...
> + b | c |
> binary plus, unused temporary c
> '+ b | c |
> unary plus, first | is binary, second | is unary
> or maybe it would need to be...   '+ b | c'|
> So we need a new syntax meaning that there is no parameter, like + ][ or
> anything yet unused...
> without '
> + || b | c |
> empty local variable definition,  next | is binary, second | is unary
> also with local variable...
> + | lv1 | b | c |
> + | lv1 | b | c'|
> Whether it's worth or not is another matter...
> Well, one should probably try to implement the various parsers for that
> (extend RB, extend the SmaCC Smalltalk parser, extend the Petit Parser) to
> see how much complexity it would bring.
> Coming up with strange interpretations one could do with that syntax can
> be helpfull as well.
> Regards,
> Thierry
>     On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 6:32 AM, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de
>     <mailto:asta...@gmx.de>> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         just something to think about: one thing I always liked about
>         Smalltalk is that it allows for nice DSL's. We have nice things
>         like a unit framework in Pharo, ...
>         In the most simple case one can easily implement own units just
>         by providing a unary messages:
>           1 m
>           1 second
>           1 px
>           1 EUR
>         One can easily implement an own Money class with a currency and
>         then do polymorphic tricks like
>            10 EUR + 20 EUR
> btw, did the recently announced QA Release Tests add enforcement all
> selectors to start with a lowercase?
> I felt that one a bit overly-restrictive, which would break such a
> currency DSL.
> cheers -ben
>         But we can currently can not implement special unary selectors
>         (including special unary selectors with unicode) like:
>            100 %
>            20 $
>            40 €
>            12 ‰  (for promille)
>         Especially things like 20 % would be nice for layout issues or
>         other (Bloc comes to mind).
>         Maybe we should put that on the roadmap of Pharo because IMHO it
>         would be cool to support such things in the
>         future. Dont know how much effort it currently means on the
>         technical level but maybe others can comment.
>         Thx
>         T.

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