@ Henrik

Arg, arg, arg, yes of course. 
I actually did think about that, but still did not look carefully enough !! 
Really stupid of me.

It is even worse because I wrote that code ...

Now, the #printOn: of BenchmarkResult is much clearer, less confusing:

ZnClient new in: [ :client |
        [ client get: 'http://localhost:8080' ] benchFor: 5 seconds ]. 

a BenchmarkResult(14,732 iterations in 5 seconds. 2,946 per second)


ZnClient new in: [ :client |
        client loggingOff.
        [ client get: 'http://localhost:8080' ] benchFor: 5 seconds ].

a BenchmarkResult(42 iterations in 5 seconds 88 milliseconds. 8.255 per second)

Still the same issue with $, and $. in frequency, but the iteration count is 
crystal clear.

The reason #bench works like that is backwards compatibility at the time we 
introduced that.

@ Ben

Yes, I should have looked at the other side as well, to confirm things actually 
happened as I imagined them (the did not).

Thx and sorry for the noise.


> On 10 Dec 2017, at 18:00, Henrik-Nergaard <draag...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi Sven,
> What you are seeing is most likely a $, vs $. issue.
> See BenchmarkResult >>#printFrequenceOn: it uses both decimal and thousand
> separators.
> If i run this code:
> -----------------------------------------
> | counter |
> counter :=
> ZnClient new in: [ :client |
>  client loggingOff.
>  [ client get: 'http://localhost:8080'. counter ] bench 
> ].
> counter.
> -----------------------------------------
> Then i get 9035 ('1,773 per second') when no inspector is open, and only 22
> ('5.995 per second') when inspecting the logs.
> Best regards,
> Henrik
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Developers-f1294837.html

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