On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 12:52:52AM +0800, Ben Coman wrote:
> @Juan, IIUC Cuis already primarily uses git for Smalltalk source code 
> management.
> How is this currently done and would you partake in a Smalltalk
> implementation of git?

You will find Juan's explanation of Git and GitHub for Cuis code management at

The introduction to that explanation is worth quoting here:

> Cuis includes tools and procedures for managing Smalltalk code. Central
> to this is the management of Packages and Package Files (.pck). But Cuis
> doesn't do version control. Instead, we suggest using external VCS tools.
> In particular, we're using GitHub, and the first project we're hosting
> there is StyledTextEditor.
> The guiding principle is to not duplicate concepts and behavior. As we're
> using an external tool (Git) for version control, then we use it as it
> meant to be used. Most people use Git for version control and a file based
> IDE such as Eclipse for development. Such IDEs don't do version control
> themselves. It is done by Git. Do the same: do not include package version
> control in Cuis. This is a departure from the Monticello /Git integration
> (smallsource and MonticelloFileTree) by Otto Behrens, Dale Henrichs, etc.


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