2018-01-14 8:04 GMT-03:00 Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:
> Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> > (1) what non-trivial code is actively maintained from a single code base
> > between Pharo, Squeak and Cuis ?
> That is nice, but too limited a question
> What about the need to maintain non-trivial large code bases between
> multiple smalltalks? If we only limit ourselves to open source, just look
> at Glorp and PDFTalk.

I wouldn't use Glorp as a good example of multi-dialect portability.
It has safeguards and "ifs" all around the code, but it goes more in
the direction of making the dialects as much VW compatible as
possible, instead of being truly dialect neutral like Seaside is, and
have the proper "adapter" layer and packaging.


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