

> Am 26.05.2018 um 10:57 schrieb Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
> Hi,
> I do not know what you mean by Glamour. Glamour is stable since years. If you 
> refer to the Glamorous Toolkit, then perhaps the problem comes from the fact 
> that the existing tools and the new generation share the same name. However, 
> what is integrated now has nothing to do with what is being developed 
> separately. As for Beacon, I am using it since two years, and it is as stable 
> as software can get.
> The problems you describe have nothing to do with Beacon, but with 
> Announcements. If Announcements are not safe to use, we should work on that. 
> Beacon is an application that uses that mechanism.
> What should be rewritten are all the references to Transcript, and likely the 
> creation of dedicated Signals. This can be done gradually, and should not 
> delay anything else.
> And just to make it clear: while the stack logging is a useful too, its main 
> purpose is to be an example to show how a dedicated Signal can enable 
> advanced debugging and monitoring options.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On May 26, 2018, at 9:00 AM, Guillermo Polito <guillermopol...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just to state my position about the integration of Beacon. My main concern 
>> now is that I do not want to it become Glamour.
>> I do not want to integrate a new tool that will be half integrated and not 
>> maintained because "the future is elsewhere".
>> If people would like to introduce Beacon, I'd like to have at least the 
>> following questions answered:
>> - What tools/core libraries of Pharo should be rewritten using Beacon?
>> - And which ones do not?
>> - **Who** is going to take care for those integrations/rewritings?
>> - How will this delay (even more) the release of Pharo 7?
>> Then, more on the technical side. Beacon uses *global* announcers as its 
>> log/event delivery technique. It gives people an easy way to log a full 
>> stack (with all objects it references). While all this is nice, it may 
>> generate memory leaks, people may need to have a "Logger manager" to see 
>> connected loggers and detect problems...
>> - What are the tools/techniques that we have to develop to manage connected 
>> loggers/appenders efficiently?
>> - What are the tools/techniques that we have to develop to detect and avoid 
>> memory leaks more efficiently?
>> - **Who** is going to implement them?
>> If I put this side by side with the versionning questions above, this ones 
>> have more weight to me...
>> Cheers,
>> Guille
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Some battles are better lost than fought."

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