Monday morning, time for the weekly status mail in 10 seconds!

### Last week:

- Reviewing Iceberg PR
- Pharo-COM problem with BSTR
- VM Printing Errors & Messages
- [PharoCOM] Pharo 7 errors
- Testing LLVM capabilities as Testable JIT: Impossible to extract the
machine code without reading the object format.
- Fixing problem with WorldMorph install
- Consortium Meeting
- Journal Club: Pretenuring - Multiples Edens & Application Servers
- Async Files / Async Streams (WIP)
- [VM] Writing tests for JIT generation with Guille (WIP)
- Checking large image problems.
- Improving crash reports of the VM in endless loops.

 ### This week (starting 2020-04-13):

- [Port to Pharo 8] Traits in class side fix
- New iceberg release: Issue 1356
- [VM] Fix symbolic links in Pharo8 VM
- Fixing Package List / Categories in Calypso
- [VM] Fixing Tests in Idle.
- Adding a label to a PR when it has no test errors.
- [Pharo9] Propose a PR for Fuel to support Sista
- [Doc] Pass on VM booklet: Callback chapter / Preface
- [VM] Documenting GC, participating in the GC code dojo.
- [VM] SDL Plugin for Idle.
- [VM] Improving Speed of TFFI.
- [VM] REPL example  / Interacting with an image from outside (?)
- [PharoCOM] Making it run with TFFI.
- [VM] Writing tests for JIT generation
- [OSSubprocess] Integrate Pavel + Christophe windows version.
- [VM/Image] New version of Async Streams and use them with StdOut and StdErr

Pablo Tesone.

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